Can an applicant expect a public authority to follow a particular initiative through RTI?
22 Dec, 2011
The appellant sought information regarding development of herbal medicine for snake-bite; Cow urine and its medicinaluses; number of cancer patients in India; the torture of horses for preparing anti-venom for snake bite; medicinal plants, namely, Cissampelos pare ira (Patha) which is claimed to be helpful in snake bite. The appellant was not satisfied with the reply provided by the PIO.
View of the CIC
The Commission noted that the appellant has suggestions about certain very effective medicine for snake bite, rabies and encephalitis in the Ayurvedic system which have been patented and sought to know if the Public Authority is promoting these. The PIO replied that the Public Authority is taking no action in promoting these and also explained to the appellant the process by which the department takes up the promotion of certain activities. The appellant is dissatisfied because he believes that when he tells the department about certain developments some authority in the department should take initiative to further these medicines. The Commission sees that information available on the records has been provided to the appellant and hopes that the appropriate officer in the department will look at the suggestions of the appellant. The appeal was disposed off in above terms.
The RTI Act is a forum for obtaining information and not pushing through suggestions in the garb of questions.
Citation: Mr. Ashok Kumar v. Indian Council of Medical Research in Decision No. CIC/SG/A/2011/002350/16179