Account details of a minor
14 Dec, 2011Background of the case
The appellant had sought several details about the bank account of one minor named Daksh. The CPIO had refused to disclose the information claiming that it was third party account details which he could not disclose. The Appellate Authority had also endorsed this decision.
View of the CIC
The Commission learnt that the appellant and his wife had since divorced and that this particular account had been opened by the mother of their child. The Commission held that since the account had been opened by the mother as the guardian, the account details cannot be disclosed to the Appellant even if he happens to be the father of the minor. Section 8(1) (d) of the RTI Act exempts disclosure of such information which is in the nature of commercial confidence. The Commission held that the account details of individual customers of the bank are definitely in the nature of commercial confidence and cannot be ordinarily disclosed.
Citation: Shri Saidu Gore v. Punjab National Bank in File No.CIC/SM/A/2011/000035