Can two lady doctors do ultrasound test of an male patient in absence of a male attendant? - PIO: Only such information can be provided which is available and existing - CIC: Application consists of questions rather than information as defined in RTI Act
20 Jun, 2022Information Sought:
The Complainant has stated that on 13 Oct, 2021, his USG Chest was done in Base Hospital Delhi Cantt. At that time, there were two lady doctors only in the dark room, one was from army and another was Squadron Leader Tooba Maryam, who did his USG Chest. During USG both these female doctors did not call any male attendant. They did his USG in absence of a male attendant. In this connection, he has sought the following information:
1. Can two lady doctors do ultrasound test of an alone male patient in any military hospital in USG room in absence of a male attendant.
2. Under which rule a male attendant was not called by the two lady doctors while doing his USG Chest despite knowing that he is a male patient.
3. Did these two lady doctors violate the rule of modesty?
Grounds for Complaint
The CPIO did not provide the desired information.
Submissions made by Complainant and Respondent during Hearing:
The complainant submitted that necessary action may be taken against the CPIO for not providing the desired information to him.
The CPIO reiterated the contents of his initial reply dated 05.11.2021 and his recent written submissions dated 19.04.2022
From a perusal of the relevant case records, it is noted that the CPIO had given a categorical reply to the complainant while stating that no specific information has been sought. He had also stated that only such information can be provided which is available and existing. The Commission notes that the application consists of questions rather than information as defined in the RTI Act and therefore is unable to find any flaw in the reply, hence, the complaint is not established.
In view of the above, no action lies.
The complaint is disposed of accordingly.
Vanaja N. Sarna
Information Commissioner
Citation: Manjeev Singh v. IHQ of MoD Army and Base Hospital, Delhi Cantt in File no.: - CIC/ARMHQ/C/2021/654211, Date of Decision: 26/04/2022