Can re-evaluation of Answer Sheet of an examination be sought under the RTI Act?
13 Mar, 2012Background
The appellant sought information for the action taken on his complaint regarding wrong evaluation of his answer book because of which he was declared as failed. The Public Information Officer (PIO) replied that the evaluation of the answer sheets was done correctly and that the appellant has received less than the cut off marks in his written exam. On appeal, the First Appellate Authority (FAA) upheld the PIO decision.
View of CIC
The Commission held that the relief being sought by the Appellant in terms of directions to the Public Authority to re-evaluate his answer copies falls outside the ambit of the RTI Act. Regarding supplying a copy of the answer sheet to the appellant, the Commission noted that the appellant has already been allowed to inspect the same, and directed the PIO to provide a copy of his answer sheet to the appellant.
Citation: Shri Karan Munnilal Bharti v Railway Recruitment board in file no CIC/AD/A/2012/000407
RTI Citation : RTIFI/2012/CIC/155
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