Appellant sought information as to why his result of Combined Graduate Level Examination, 2012 was withheld - CIC: The appellant has now been cleared; Provide a copy of the notesheet wherein the appellant’s result which was ‘withheld’ has been cleared
18 Aug, 2016ORDER
1. Shri Ajay Kumar filed an application dated 14.08.2013 under the Right to Information Act, 2005 (RTI Act) before the Central Public Information Officer (CPIO), Department of Personnel & Training (DOPT) seeking information on three points including (1) copies of file wherein post CIC/ examination analysis in Combined Graduate Level Examination (CGLE), 2012 conducted by Staff Selection Commission was carried out, (2) copies of recommendations of expert group, which carried out such a scrutiny and (3) latest status of candidates whose results of Combined Graduate Level Examination, 2012 were ‘withheld’.
2. Shri Ajay Kumar filed a second appeal dated 24.10.2013 before the Commission on the ground that information sought by him has not been provided to him even after the stipulated period of time and that the First Appellate Authority (FAA) did not respond to his appeal. Hearing:
3. The appellant Shri Ajay Kumar was not present in the hearing despite notice. The respondent Shri R. Thakur, Under Secretary & CPIO, SSC and Shri S.C. Kashyap, Under Secretary, SSC(NR) were present in person.
4. The respondent submitted that the appellant was informed vide letter dated 30.07.2013 that his result had been withheld on the basis of a post examination analysis. The respondent further submitted that subsequently the appellant filed an RTI application dated 14.08.2013 in response to which the CPIO informed him vide letter dated 05.09.2013 that the information sought is exempted under Section 8(1)(g) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, there shall be no obligation to give any citizen, information, the disclosure of which would endanger the life or physical safety of any person or identify the source of information or assistance given in confidence for law enforcement or security purposes; of the RTI Act. The respondent further submitted that the final result of the Combined Graduate Level Examination, 2012 was declared on 30.05.2013, wherein the result of Shri Ajay Kumar was ‘withheld’. The respondent also submitted that after the careful consideration by the SSC, results of 166 selected candidates, including Shri Ajay Kumar (Roll no.2201523902), had been declared on 11.03.2014 and the result has since been placed on the website of the Commission. The respondent also stated that Shri Ajay Kumar has been declared successful in the CGLE, 2012. Decision:
5. The Commission heard the submissions of the respondents and perused the records. The Commission observes that the appellant is seeking information as to why his result of Combined Graduate Level Examination, 2012 was withheld. The appellant has now been cleared and the ‘withheld’ result declared on 11.03.2014. The Commission, therefore, directs the CPIO, SSC, to provide a copy of the notesheet wherein the appellant’s result which was ‘withheld’ has been cleared within a period of four weeks from the date of receipt a copy of this order. In case, the appellant is not satisfied with the information provided, he may file a complaint with the Commission.
6. With the above observations, the appeal is disposed of.
7. Copy of decision be given free of cost to the parties.
(Sudhir Bhargava)
Information Commissioner
Citation: Shri Ajay Kumar v. Department of Personnel & Training in Decision No. CIC/SS/A/2014/900072/SB