Appellant: Copies of only 5 out of the 23 train’s trip sheets for AC coaches have been provided - Respondent informed that the time for which the trip sheets are kept is over but could not specify the time period - CIC: provide the available information
23 Feb, 2015O R D E R
1. The appellant filed an RTI application on 13-12-2012 requesting for photostat copies of certain train’s trip sheets for AC coaches and other related issues. The appellant filed an appeal before the first appellate authority (FAA) on 21-1-2013. Neither CPIO nor FAA responded to the appellant. The appellant filed a second appeal with the Commission on 26-3-2013.
2. Both parties were heard through videoconferencing.
3. The appellant referred to his RTI application of 13-12-2012 and reiterated the various points mentioned in the RTI application and stated that he was seeking information on all the points mentioned in the RTI application which pertained to 20 or 25 train trips which were mentioned in the RTI application including the train’s trip sheets for the AC coaches which are handled by the AC technician staff. The appellant stated that he has got only 5 out of the 23 train’s trip sheets that were sought. The appellant stated that other information about the attendance register has also not been provided to him.
4. The respondent stated that the reason why the other 18 train’s trip sheets have not been provided because the trip sheets are kept only for a certain time and that time has been exhausted. When the respondent was asked what is the time period, the respondent stated that he did not know the time period.
5. The appellant stated that the respondent has given false information vide letter dated 23-2-2012 stating that AC coach is maintained by the technicians.
6. What emerged from the hearing was this that the appellant was questioning the deployment of the AC coach attendants for doing work what they were not supposed to do.
7. What also emerged from the hearing was this that there were AC coach technicians and there were AC coach attendants. What appears to have happened is this that the work of the technicians and the AC coaches attendants sometimes overlaps and it is this overlapping which has triggered this RTI application. In this background, the appellant was seeking information sought in the RTI application.
8. The respondent is directed to provide to the appellant whatever information is available with them within 30 days of this order. Appeal is disposed of. Copy of this order be given free of cost to the parties.
(Vijai Sharma)
Information Commissioner
Citation: Shri N. Ramakrishnan v. Southern Railway in Decision No.CIC/AD/C/2013/900967/VS/08608