Appellant belonged to EWS category - He alleged that his daughter was not allowed to travel in the school bus & subsequently removed from school - Respondent: No bus concession is provided to EWS student regarding - CIC: furnish a copy of inquiry report
26 May, 2015Facts
Heard on 14.10.14. Appellant present. Respondent is represented by Ms.Anita Bharal.
2. The appellant filed RTI application on 4.4.2013 seeking information through 8 points with regard to committee constituted for conducting investigation over C.S.K.M Public School, Satabari Mehrauli, New Delhi viz. whether report was submitted by Investigation officer, if yes date of submission, whether report has any reference to the complaint made by him for over charging admission fees for her daughter etc. PIO replied on 9.5.2013 that report was submitted on 4.3.2013 and on point 28 replied that copy of report will be forwarded to him once final decision over it is taken. Being unsatisfied with the information provided, the appellant preferred First Appeal. FAA replied on 12.7.2013, directing the PIO to give revised reply. Being unsatisfied with the information provided, the appellant preferred Second Appeal before the Commission.
3. During the hearing, the Appellant submitted that he belonged to EWS category and for the admission of her daughter he should not been charged with high fee. He alleged that his daughter was confined in a room, she was not allowed to travel in the school bus and subsequently was removed from the school. He added that an inquiry was conducted and report was submitted on 4.3.13 and the copy of same was not furnished to him.
4. The respondent submitted that the appellant was a disturbing element to the school and the allegations made by him were groundless. His daughter belongs to EWS and also getting all benefits legally available. As far as availing the bus facility is concerned no concession or free service is supposed to be provided to EWS student because the student within one kilometer from school is given seat under this quota, and thus student is expected to travel on his/her own. If they want to avail this service have to make payment of the bus fees to the school.
5. Further respondent submitted that the inquiry over his complaint was submitted to the higher authorities for approval and action. He claimed that he did not have copy of inquiry report, but assured to get the same.
6. Taking a serious note of behavior of school authority with a girl student of EWS category, the Commission directs the PIO to furnish a copy of the inquiry report to the Appellant within three weeks of receipt of this order.
7. The appeal is disposed with the above direction.
(M. Sridhar Acharyulu)
Information Commissioner
Citation: Raman Kumar Jha v. Education Dept., GNCTD in Case No. CIC/SA/A/2014/000187