The action taken, status report and when the charge sheet will be filed before the Court in relation to certain FIR was sought - PIO: charge sheet would be filed after the completion of investigation - CIC: provide the status report of the case
18 Jan, 2014O R D E R
1. The appellant filed an RTI application on 982012 seeking information about the action taken against FIR No. 227/2010 u/s 420 IPC and other issues.
2. The CPIO responded on 1792012, informing the appellant that the case was pending investigation. The CPIO further stated that one accused had been arrested and the charge sheet would be filed after the completion of investigation. The appellant filed an appeal with the first appellate authority (FAA) on 1392012. The FAA responded on 2492012 and upheld the decision of the CPIO. The appellant approached the Commission on 7122012 in a second appeal.
3. Both the parties were present personally in the hearing.
4. The appellant referred to his RTI application of 982012 and stated that he wants to know what action has been taken against FIR case No. 227/10 u/s 420 IPC. The appellant further stated that he also wants to know the status report and when the charge sheet will be filed in the case before the Court.
5. The respondent stated that the CPIO responded on 1792012 in which it was stated that one accused Narender S/o Shri Bhim Sen Sharma of Bulandshahr had been arrested. Charge sheet will be filed in the court after completion of investigation. The respondent further stated that they will provide status report to the appellant.
6. The respondent is directed to provide to the appellant, within 30 days of this order, the status report of the case in context of the RTI application. Appeal is disposed of. Copy of this order be given free of cost to the parties.
(Vijai Sharma)
Information Commissioner
Citation: Shri Ravender Singh v. Delhi Police in Decision No. CIC/SS/A/2013/000150/VS/05840