Action taken on the letter written by the appellant to the PMO
9 Jun, 2012Background
The appellant stated that he was a graduate in History and wanted to become script and dialogue writer for the bollywood movies. He claimed that he had written two films and wants Aamir khan and Arbaaz khan to have a look on my writings. In this regard he wrote a letter to PM’s office. Later he filed an application under RTI with the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting seeking what action has been taken on his letter. The Public Information Officer (PIO) replied that there is no such scheme in the Ministry to provide assistance to intending scriptwriters.
View of CIC
The respondent submitted that the appellant was not seeking information rather he wants the PIO to forward his application to Institutes where such courses would be conducted, which is beyond the purview of RTI act. The Central information Commission (CIC) agreed with the decision of the PIO and dismissed the appeal.
Citation: Mr. Ravi Kumar Bhaskar v. Ministry of Information & Broadcasting in Decision No. CIC/SG/A/2012/000115/18125
RTI Citation : RTIFI/2012/CIC/340
Click here to view original RTI order of Court / Information Commission