Action taken on appellant’s complaint of medical negligence on the part of doctors who treated his son was sought - During hearing, a copy of report given by the Senior doctor to Dr. M Mehra & case sheet was provided - CIC: provide additional information
10 Jun, 2014FACTS
2. The appellant is seeking information through his RTI application dated 11th October, 2012 regarding the action taken on his complaint dated 21072012 wherein he alleged medical negligence on the part of doctors who treated his son, due to which his son’s kidney was spoiled. Instead of admitting the medical negligence, the doctors have blamed the mother of the child, who personally brought the polluted blood sample mixed with urine to the laboratory for test. PIO replied to his RTI application on which the appellant made 1st appeal. Having received no reply from the FAA within the prescribed time period the appellant preferred Second Appeal.
3. The Commission heard the submissions. The appellant has sought for a copy of the report given by the Senior doctor to Dr. Manju Mehra and also a copy of case sheet, which were furnished to him during hearing. The appellant alleged medical negligence in the treatment of his child and wanted the respondent authority to enquire into the same. As per the submissions of the respondent authority, it was on the 20th day of admission, the blood sample brought by the mother, was found to be polluted. They are, therefore, directed to supply the information to the appellant essentially on the following points which will as per the appellant suffice the information sought by him:
(1) When was the next sample of blood taken for retest?
(2) How many times the dialysis was conducted on the child after they discovered the abnormal urea in the blood sample brought by the mother?
(3) When was the dialysis stopped?
The respondent authority is directed to furnish the information to the above questions to the appellant within 3 weeks from the date of receipt of this order.
5. The appeal is disposed of accordingly.
(M. Sridhar Acharyulu)
Information Commissioner
Citation: Mr.Ravindra Nath Dubey v. Lok Nayak Hospital in File No.CIC/AD/A/2013/000488SA